Practice what you preach despite all the temptations and pressures of being a physician by shaping your finances around your priorities and values. You can only do three things with your money: Spend it, save it, or give it away—not always in that order.
In this episode of the Finance for Physicians Podcast, Daniel Wrenne talks to Matt and Ashley Iles, a married couple who value their faith and giving to others. Both are approaching their three-year mark of being in-practice physicians.
Topics Discussed:
- Conflicting, Competitive, Charitable Routes: Give 10% of money consistently
- Role Models: Fiscal responsibility started with words of wisdom from parents
- Spend-Giving: One of the couple’s favorite things to do that involves others
- Neighborhoods: It’s not about keeping up, sticking out, or alienating others
- Privileged Blessings: Set boundaries, be responsible, hire somebody to save $
- Self-Awareness: Know your strengths and weaknesses to resist temptations
- Mindshift: Money is not Matt and Ashley’s to keep; share and give it to the Master
- Giving Now: Depends on individual situation and if giving is important to them
- Future of Giving: As time goes on, not only give more money but time, too